
Man Opens Demon Slayer Key Chain Packs, Gets Arrested!

Shinobu Demon Slayer Keychain

As the Demon Slayer movie, The Mugen Train is breaking Box Office records, fans are going crazy over this newly achieved fame. It is making them go to extreme lengths in expressing their love towards the series. One such incident occurred in Kyoto, Japan. A man was arrested for opening the Demon Slayer keychain packets without purchasing them. Apparently, he was searching for Shinobu Kochou keychain.

Shinobu is a female character from the Demon Slayer series who has become very popular amongst the male fans.

The police, on 16th November, arrested him after a CCTV footage showed him opening the packets of Demon Slayer keychain. The keychain has 10 different designs. The packing is such that it is not possible to see which character design is inside.

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The packaging is a marketing gimmick for the manufacturing company. Many stated that the company should reduce the cost of the product as the quality doesn’t suit the pricing.

After the news broke, the internet was not kind to the man. Many told him to just buy all the products.

Demon Slayer movie The Mugen Train overtook the Your Name as the second highest-grossing anime movie. It has earned over 25 billion yen within the first few days of its release. The Mugen Train might become the highest-grossing anime movie ever. Spirited Away from Ghibli Studios currently holds the title.

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