
news tips

Do you have information regarding the next big happening, or an official announcement or something that is brewing in the anime or manga industry? Do you want to share that tip with Animehunch? You can either reach out to our newsroom editor at [email protected] or our editor-in-chief at [email protected] in order to do so.

In case of news tips, you can choose to remain anonymous or request to be listed as a source while sending us the email. If you fail to specify anything in the mail, we will assume that you wish to remain an anonymous source. Reaching out to us on social media is not a good option, we encourage you to use email communication for forwarding any tips or official announcements because it is more trustworthy and safe.

Make sure that the tip you provide is accompanied by proof and is articulate and precise about the subject it is regarding.

Once you submit a news tip, it is reviewed by the newsroom, and if deemed newsworthy, we will get in touch with you for more information. If you are looking to submit feedback or if you have other general queries, check out our Contact Us page for more information.

Also, if you want to submit a press release to us, please make sure to read the following guidelines section:

  • Please make sure that when you submit your press release the following information is present. Press releases should only be submitted to us via email. Please mail them to [email protected] 
  • Release date & time: The intended date of release of the information, i.e. the date the press release you sent should be published on the website [embargoed or for immediate release]. If no release time/date is mentioned, we will assume that the information you provided is for immediate release.
  • If the embargoed content finds its way into the public domain due to no fault of ours,it is up to our discretion whether to honor the embargo or not.
  • Contact Info: Include contact information along with the press release that you forward to our team. In case we need confirmation or more details, we will be contacting the person listed.
  • Headline: The title of your press release, it should clearly describe what the subject of the announcement is.
  • Date issued & Place: This is the date and place where the press release is issued, and is different from the release date. 
  • Press Release content: The main content related to the announcement that you have to make should be there in this section.
  • Extra information to include: Along with the main press release content, please provide the following extra information.
  • Details about the company: The press release should include information about the company releasing the press release. It is usually placed towards the end of the press release after the main content of the announcement.
  • Related information: Mention any additional information that will add value to the announcement you are making. If the information is about a movie release, mention the ticket release dates, prices and platforms to book the tickets to the movie.
  • If you are providing a press release which talks about industry insights, make sure to include as many statistical data as possible.
  • If you wish to make any contact information in the press release public, then please specifically mention so in the email that you send to us.