
anime guest post

If you want to share your thoughts or contribute to Animehunch, send us your writeups at: [email protected].

Keep in mind that we only accept posts that are insightful, analytical, and well-researched. It can be your opinion on an anime/manga or something related to the anime/manga industry. You can even explain the nitty gritties of the animation style or talk in-depth about an anime/manga that you love.

If you are submitting a post suggesting anime/manga, make sure that it is something underrated and that will actually provide value to our readers (underrated romance, or underrated slice of life, etc). Please make sure that the topic you are submitting is not already there on our website or any other websites/forums/blogs on the internet.

If the write-up you submit doesn’t meet our editorial standards, it will be instantly rejected. The word count for the submitted post should at least be 800. There is no upper limit.

If your articles do get selected, we’ll get back to you. Since we end up getting a lot of submissions every week, we might take some time to review your content and get back to you. Please remain patient.

If you don’t hear back from us for more than four weeks, it possibly means that our editor-in-chief is still scratching his head over what you wrote.

For any other general queries, you can check out our Contact Us page.