
Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 2 Review

Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 2 feels like a generic episode that fails to deliver on the expectations established by the strong first episode.


Episode 2 of Mushoku Tensei Season 2 falls short of expectations set by its strong pilot episode. Regrettably, it struggles to maintain the same level of quality, both in terms of animation and storytelling. From an animation standpoint, the episode fails to deliver the same level of visual fluidity and consistency. Additionally, the narrative itself lacks coherence, leaving viewers feeling unsatisfied.

It is indeed disheartening to witness this drop in quality, as the initial promise shown in the pilot episode is not fulfilled. The episode’s shortcomings in animation and narration hinder the overall enjoyment and impact of the story. Hopefully, the subsequent episodes will address these issues and regain the momentum set by the strong beginning.

Pacing and Direction

Firstly, the pacing in this episode is a complete mess. It’s too fast and doesn’t bother properly developing the new cast of characters that we saw in the previous episode. In one scene Rudeus is speaking about how Counter Arrow has helped him numerous times and he’s grateful to them, and it doesn’t have any emotional resonance with the viewers because they haven’t had that proper screen time yet.

We don’t know why Rudeus feels this way towards Counter-Arrow because the episode hasn’t given the cast the time to grow into that role yet. It doesn’t show you, it just tells you that and leaves it there.

In another scene, Rudeus is fighting with a Treant monster and this scene is a lot less detailed than how it was originally structured in the light novel.

In its defence, the scene has one very good impact frame and some good camera work, but it takes just three seconds for the fight to get over. We don’t see Rudeus’s thought process in the moment of the battle or how he analyses the treant.

The transitions are another problematic aspect of this episode. They fail to convey the time difference between the two scenes and pretend to have them both appear in continuity – a case of bad direction. In one scene, Rudeus is being insulted by Soldat in a tavern, the scene focuses on Rudeus’ face and cuts to another portrait shot of his face, but the location has changed to the guild this time and Soldat is shown to enter through the door and frown at him again.

This transition doesn’t work as intended because it’s a very abrupt cut between the two scenes and fails to establish the apparent time difference. This episode in general just fails to convey the sense of time and proper context.

One notable aspect of this episode that stood out was the decision to continue the narrative while the Opening theme plays in the background.

This particular scene portrays a snowy day in the town, where Rudeus assists the residents in clearing the piled-up snow and melting it.

While the scene is considerably shorter compared to its depiction in the light novel and lacks some contextual details, it serves its purpose well within the context of the opening sequence.

Production and Animation

Ooh The Animation, takes a big hit in this episode. While the production, in general, is of the same quality, the facial expressions in some of the sequences are just outright bad.

Characters are often looking at nowhere in particular instead of looking in the general direction of the subject of the action.


The girl in this frame is not looking at her knee which is the subject of the action in this frame. Instead, she’s looking somewhere to the side. This makes the scene looks awkward and jarring.


In a particular scene, Soldat is infuriated at Rudeus’ attitude and the episode shows a creepy smile on his face as he is bearing with Soldat’s insults. It does not fit in the seriousness of the scene and it does not convey what Rudeus’ is feeling in that moment. In the short time since the episode aired, this frame has already garnered infamy which just conveys how badly it sticks out.


Again, just bad facial expressions that misrepresent what he is feeling in the moment. In this particular frame, the strained eyes convey a different emotion from the uncharacteristic grin. It’s a misbalance of two different expressions which ultimately makes it another awkward scene.

The episode’s not all terrible though, there are a few frames that serve as the highlight of the episode, and the animation ramps up when it needs to, even though it’s just for a few seconds. There is one scene in particular that looks stunning in this episode.


Three instances of absolutely stunning impact frames that deserve abundant praise. The sequence leading up to these impact frames is animated with exquisite beauty, skillfully utilizing blurring effects and speed lines to create a dynamic camera effect.

Animator Q KAWA (aka Jia He QIU) once again demonstrates their immense talent and experience, infusing the scene with their remarkable expertise.

However, it is worth noting that despite the breathtaking animation, the scene falls short of capturing the intricate details present in the light novel.

It appears that production issues may be affecting the anime’s ability to fully realize the depth and richness of the source material.

The Narrative

Episode 2 continues the narrative of Rudeus trying to overcome his depression that was established in the pilot episode, and for the most part, it succeeds in making you think that he has indeed won over his depression.

That’s not what exactly happens though, instead of trying to be more confident in himself, he ends up developing a persona harrowed by self-pity.

The moment when Soldat finally confronts Rudeus, exposing the facade of his polite persona as insincere and condescending, is a significant moment in the episode. It deeply affects Rudeus, causing his mask to crumble before him.

The depiction of this pivotal moment in the anime is notable, with Rudeus visibly shaking and his smile gradually becoming strained until it ultimately shatters.

However, it is regrettable that the anime did not fully capture the intensity of the character expressions, thus failing to deliver the full impact of the moment. The hurling of insults by Soldat towards Rudeus could have been portrayed with greater severity, emphasizing the harshness of his words and their profound effect on Rudeus.

A more impactful portrayal of the scene would have intensified the emotional resonance and conveyed the depth of Rudeus’ inner turmoil.

Despite the missed opportunity, the essence of the moment still shines through, highlighting the vulnerability and internal struggle experienced by Rudeus.

Another moment that I really appreciate is Rudeus not leering at Sara when he is healing her injuries in the cave. We don’t see any change in his expressions which remains serious throughout.

It’s a short moment but it does show his growth from a deplorable character to a more mature one – one who just doesn’t view women as objects of sexual gratification but respects them as human beings.


Episode 2 of Mushoku Tensei Season 2, unfortunately, falls short in terms of both pacing and animation quality. The entire episode feels excessively rushed, which reduces its impact by many folds. In many scenes, the character animation appears jarring and disconnected from the rest of the visuals, creating a sense of inconsistency.

Additionally, the transitions between scenes are poorly executed, failing to convey a clear sense of time progression to the viewers. Furthermore, crucial contextual information surrounding the events is left unaddressed, leaving gaps in the narrative.

Overall, the episode leaves much room for improvement in the upcoming episodes. It is crucial for the production team to address these issues to maintain an engaging viewing experience.

By refining the pacing, improving the animation quality, and providing necessary context, the subsequent episodes can enhance the overall storytelling and leave a stronger impact on the audience.

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