
[UPDATED] Kyoto Animation Arsonist Shinji Aoba Sentenced To Death

Kyoto Animation Studio One

Shinji Aoba, the arsonist behind the Kyoto Animation fire which took place in July 2019, was given the death penalty by presiding judge Keisuke Matsuda on Jan 25, 2023.

Aoba Trial

The ruling noted that Aoba was neither insane nor was of diminished capacity when he committed the crime, which made him liable for his actions.

Judge Matsuda pointed out that Aoba had hesitated to commit the crime right before it happened. The judge also acknowledged that Aoba had suffered from delusions based on the psychiatric evaluations carried out post indictment.

However, he stated that Aoba had committed the arson on Kyoto Animation on his own will and that the delusions had no impact on it, labeling the act atrocious and inhumane.

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“The horror and pain of the victims who died in Studio 1, which turned into a hell in an instant, or who died afterward, is beyond description,” judge Matsuda said.

Following the verdict, Hideaki Hatta, the president of Kyoto Animation, released a statement through legal representatives. The full statement is as follows:

We have received the appropriate response and judgment in accordance with the law. We express our respect to the members of the jury who have borne heavy responsibility and burden over an extended period, the prosecution and police who have worked diligently to ensure a fair investigation and consideration for those involved, judges, clerks, and all those who have been involved in the implementation of the trial.

Even after the verdict, the sense of regret does not change in the slightest. When we think about the sorrow of the employees who lost their lives, those who suffered harm, and the loved ones affected, our hearts ache. We earnestly hope to connect their aspirations by cherishing the works they dedicated their hearts to and continue creating works in the future. As a company, we have been making daily efforts. Since the incident, many young individuals have joined our company. We will continue to value our employees, strive for each staff member to unleash their talents, and as much as possible, continue creating works.

During the trial Aoba, 45, had admitted to igniting the fire at Kyoto Animation that resulted in the tragic loss of 36 lives – the worst mass killing in almost 20 years. He also expressed his regret at his actions and stated that he only commited the crime because he thought Kyoto Animation had stolen his novel.

The KyoAni president had, however, denied the claims of the arsonist.

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Since Aoba admitted that he committed the crime, the focus of the trial was to judge whether the defendant was mentally competent.

The defense claimed that Aoba was in a state where he could not distinguish reality from fiction while setting fire to the animation studio. In their closing argument, they argued that Aoba should not be handed a death penalty, which the prosecutors were gunning for and that he should be acquitted or given a reduced sentence because of his mentally incompetent state at the time of the attack.

A devastating fire had broken out at KyoAni’s Studio 1 building on July 18, 2019. At the time, there were 70 people inside the building. The fire claimed the lives of 36 people and injured 33 more. Aside from the victims inside the building, the smoke also injured a man in his forties who was on his way to work.

Kyoto Animation’s productions were initially paused after the attack, and the onset of the pandemic further delayed its projects.

As a fresh comeback from the two-year aftershock of the tragedy, the studio resumed its production activities with the release of the second season of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid.

Two memorials, as a symbol to honor the arson attack victims, are set to be unveiled on July 18, 2024, in order to mark the 5th anniversary of the incident.

Source: Asahi, NHK

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