
One Of Japan’s Biggest Manga Site Ready To Capture International Market

The company was founded in April 1, 2002 with a capital of 100 million yen.

Comic C’moA (pronunciation: See-moa) one of the biggest digital manga and e-books website in Japan is ready to set foot into the international market. The company is owned by Japanese telecom giant Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation widely known as NTT Corp under the NTT Solmore Corp wing.

The announcement of expanding Comic C’moA‘s reach globally was made by NTT Corp. President Mr. Masaaki Moribayashi in a news conference. He further added that manga’s popularity in Europe is one of the reasons behind global expansion.

Comic C’moA majorly handles comic and also offers time-limited “rental” along with free manga titles.

Some of the works which exclusively streamed on Comic C’moA such as “Housekeeper Nagisa-san” have been turned into live-action series.

The site has several manga for free as well.

The company was founded in April 1, 2002 with a capital of 100 million yen and is owned by NTT Solmare Co. Ltd.

Source: Asahi